It’s done. 4 months. Gone. Just like that. Can’t go back and do it over.
Did you hit your mark? The mark of where you thought you would be at this point in the year? Did you miss it? Did you exceed it? Are you proud of the work you did and who you were to get there?
Remember your human DOingness as much as your human BEingness.
How did you do?
Celebration may be in order (not enough of us hard working achievers do that, you know) No excuses if you didn’t hit your mark. Just the facts. It’s okay. No need to beat yourself up. Tomorrow is a new start. Pace yourself and know that beating yourself up is not the answer even though your ego makes you believe it's productive to think that way.
Whatever the desired outcomes you set for this year, you had some steps along the way you wanted to take. Taking an hour or so to measure how those went is important to your forward momentum.
TRY THIS: A wrap up review. You may want to send the questions below to your team members prior to a meeting so they have time to consider the questions so no one feels put on the spot.
Complete it on your own and then create a meeting with your team this week. Everyone’s input is important in order to collect appropriate data you can use to propel you and the team forward.
Did you achieve your desired outcomes up to this point?
Did your team reach theirs?
What worked?
What didn’t work so well?
Did you notice any patterns in behavior? Which ones served you and your team, which one’s may not have?
As you look back, what would you do differently if you had it to do over again?
Knowing what you know now, are there assumptions you and your team can change in a way that will move you forward?
What do you need to do more of?
Less of?
Start doing?
Stop doing?
Keep doing?
Try using the above set of questions as a continuous improvement format for you and your team at the end of each month to or after any project you’ve been working on. Remember to do "rounding" so that each person in the meeting feels heard and understood. Each voice in the room is important... or why have them there?