I stumbled upon an article this weekend from a company called GDS that wanted to find a way to communicate their culture, or “the way things are done around here”, to all their new hires. They discovered that the easiest way to let folks know how they wanted people to act and treat others was to create a poster entitled, “It’s ok”. Here’s what it says:
It's ok to:
say "I don't know"
ask for more clarity
stay at home when you feel ill
say you don't understand
ask what acronyms stand for
ask why, and why not
forget things
introduce yourself
depend on the team
ask for help
not know everything
have quiet days
have loud days, to talk, joke and laugh
put your headphones on
say "No" when you're too busy
make mistakes
not check your email out of hours
not check your email constantly during hours
just Slack it
walk over and ask someone face-to-face
go somewhere else to concentrate
offer feedback on other people's work
challenge things you're not comfortable with
say yes when anyone does a coffee run
prefer tea
have a messy desk
have a tidy desk
work how you like to work
ask the management to fix it
have off-days
have days off
If you and your team created a poster to communicate your company culture to someone new on your team or joining your organization what would you list as “ok”? Sounds like a great way to spend a lunch with your team this week. Can’t wait to hear how it goes!