Time management is much more effective if you first focus on commitment management. As you determine which commitments you will make or keep this week, here's a few things to contemplate:
READ THIS: The 5 key practices when making executive commitments - make requests and not assignments, negotiate clear agreements, keep the communication going during the delivery stage, present the deliverable explicitly, and when you’re the one that requested it, be sure to always acknowledge and assess the delivery. (article is quite lengthy but complete on the subject)
WATCH THIS: Keeping promises and eliminating the “your fault” mentality is key to converting to commitment management. (2:20, if you remember to skip ad)
OVERLOADED by the commitments you’ve made? Read this short article to find out how to eliminate, stop rationalizing, audit, and categorize your commitments.
The best leaders keep their commitments and are strong role models for their team. As a leader, you can learn to manage your time through better commitment management. You set the stage for the type of behaviors you want to see from your team. The commitments you make to yourself help lay the right foundation to build from.